Find A Personal Stylist For Men

So you are looking for a men’s stylist in London? You have come to the right place. I have been a personal stylist in and around London for 22 years. In this post, I will tell you what you can book, what to expect and what to avoid. It is worth thinking about what you need and making sure beforehand that the service meets those needs.

First of all, experience is necessary. Anyone can set themselves up, get a few friends to give them a review and set themselves up as stylists. A professional will use their knowledge and experience to help you rather than pigeonhole you into a style that feels uncomfortable. The clothes have to be about what feels the best on you. A wardrobe that makes you feel confident is critical.

Personal Styling Services

There are several services you can choose from depending on your needs. Firstly, you need to decide if you want a stylist in person or a virtual stylist. In person, I will assess your needs, then meet you at a mutually beneficial location and assist you in looking for clothes that work for you. Alternatively, I will go and shop for you independently and then bring the clothes to you to try on. To book me in person, you can book a free consultation here.

A personal stylist online works very similarly. Only the service is in the comfort of your own home. First, I will assess your needs via a live video consultation. You will then receive a couple of PDFs highlighting which colours and styles will suit you, including links to where you can buy them. Next, we will do a live wardrobe edit where we go through all of your wardrobe and remove whatever is not working. Finally, depending on the package you purchase, you also have the option for a personal shopping lookbook. The lookbook will be a collection of clothes I suggest for you with links to where you can buy them. It is like a personal shopping service online. To discuss personal styling online in more detail, you can book a free consultation here.

brown shoes, trousers and a belt coordinated

Personal Shopper For Men

A personal shopping service is perfect for you if you would rather someone else do all of the work for you. Again you can either choose from booking me online or in person. In person, I will discuss your needs and take down some information from you, then go out and purchase a collection of clothes within your budget.

If you would prefer to book me virtually, again, I will take a few details down from you, and then I will search online for a collection of clothes suitable for you and your lifestyle needs. The collection will be delivered virtually with links to where you can buy. Alternatively, you can give me a budget, and I will purchase and have the items delivered to you.

Subscription Boxes - What You Need To Know

In recent years there has been a growth in online personal styling subscription boxes. You pay a small monthly fee for a ‘stylist’ to choose outfits for you, and the items are sent to your door. You then only pay for what you decide to keep.
There are several problems with these sites. Firstly, it is not a personal stylist choosing the clothes. An individual interested in fashion trained to use an algorithm selects your clothes. You will not get a personal stylist from a subscription box.

The selections are minimal in terms of style, size and budget. You fill out a questionnaire which then gets fed into an algorithm that someone chooses from. There is nothing personal about these services. Do not be fooled; you get what you pay for.

If you would like options in clothes sent to you each month, by all means, sign up, but do not expect a service curated personally to you and your needs.

the top mens fashion stylist in London

What Next?

The information given in the post is the best of my knowledge at the time of writing. If you are embarking on anything new get professional advice if required.

If you enjoyed this post and wish to create a capsule wardrobe, I can help you create one quickly and easily. Get started immediately with one of my personal styling services or book in for a complimentary consultation

  • Personal Styling Gift Vouchers – Save up, ask for them for gifts or put towards any of my services. This is the ideal way to afford a personal stylist whatever your budget!
  • Capsule Closet Success Membership – Receive a copy of the Seasonal Capsule Essentials Ebook twice a year worth $19 and gain access to the Capsule Closet Success Course worth $200. Join our private community for support and advice and submit questions every week and have them answered live in our weekly live check-in sessions. 
  • Premium Personal Styling – A personalised colour analysis and body shape style guide, a live wardrobe edit, a personal shopping and a curated Lookbook
  • Personal Styling – 
  • A personalised Colour Analysis, a Body Shape Analysis And Style Guide, a Live Wardrobe Edit
  • A wardrobe Edit – A 20-minute zoom call to discuss your needs and to highlight any particular problems you want to address in the wardrobe edit. A private Pinterest board to pin styles and colours you love. A 60 minutes live video wardrobe edit
  • Colour Analysis And Body Shape Styling –
  • The Capsule Closet Stylist Colour Analysis looks at the natural colouring in your hair, eyes and skin tone and shows how you can complement your natural colouring in your clothes. The Body Shape Style Guide teaches you how to make the most of your best assets, hide what you do not like, find clothes that complement your shape, and choose the perfect fit.

Still Not Sure?

Book a discovery call with me where we can discuss colour, style, decluttering, body shapes and much, much more.  I can identify where you most need help and point you in the right direction. 

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for lots of videos and image inspiration. 

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Capsule Closet Success testimonials

'When you join the membership it isn't generic it is tailored to your needs. Michelle considers each individual person and provides advice and guidance based on their needs. I have learnt so much since I joined I feel like I could sit an exam on it now! Honestly, without a doubt if you feel like you are lost with what to wear, you don't know what suits your body shape or your shape has changed, you've lost confidence, you're starting a new job, or you want to minimise your wardrobe, Michelle's membership is without a doubt for you. You can not get better for the price, I have looked!'
I joined Michelle's facebook "capsule wardrobe challenge" in June 2020. I loved her approach of starting off with a concept of what colours and styles you were attracted to, followed by what your lifestyle required functionally. It helped me assess my existing wardrobe with a checklist in mind instead of feeling overwhelmed and indecisive. I found the video format and weekly check-ins easy to follow and explained each stage of building a capsule well. She has been quick to answer any queries I have and to offer her professional stylist's opinion with a gentle manner. I am most grateful for Michelle's overarching aim to help her clients "find their happy place". This membership is about being comfortable in your own skin, not about being super fashionable, and that is exactly what I needed. Thank you for helping me find my confidence again. 😊
There is no doubt in my mind that having a personal stylist online is worth the investment. In fact, at the end of the day I will spend considerably less while looking and feeling so much better. Why? Because I will never again mindlessly spend and spend and spend on clothes that just aren’t right for me and that don’t make me happy. I think we all dream of that wardrobe that makes us happy and confident, but it is so easy to just give up and just wear something. I know I did. And that is just plain crazy because I love clothes! I have always been attracted to styles that I lacked the confidence to try out. Now, with the help and guidance of Michelle, I can finally explore those styles with confidence knowing that whenever I run an item by Michelle, she will give me her honest feedback on whether or not it will fit with my colors and with how I want to look and feel. In short: Michelle’s advice really is priceless. I feel an A-lister in the garments I have purchased since becoming a member! Pssst: One secret, you don’t have to become a minimalist if you don’t want to. Michelle is not about legalistic minalism, she is all about you finding out what works for you and that – along with her very deep knowledge of style – is why I think her membership works for me when in the past nothing else has.