Fashion For Petites Over 40

So you are petite, over forty, but still want to look and feel great. It is hard when the fashion industry tend to be aimed at seventeen year olds. The crop top does not usually cover it anymore. So how do you find fashion for petites over 40?  There are other factors to consider when […]

Women’s Petite Capsule Wardrobe

woman against a wide background

So I am guessing you are a petite woman looking for inspiration in creating your capsule wardrobe? You have come to the right place. There are quite a few factors to consider when dressing if you are petite. One of the best things you can do is to consider petite brands.  Petite Brands Petite brands […]

The Best Jeans For Pear Shapes

jeans for pear shapes

Find The Best Jeans For A Pear Shape So you are looking for the best jeans for pear shapes? If you are like most people, you have spent the last few years struggling to fit skinny jeans into your wardrobe. Skinny jeans have been around for years now, but you will be pleased to hear […]

The Capsule Wardrobe Guide

Build a capsule wardrobe like a pro

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