Pure One (Cool) Colour Palette

You are in the Pure Colouring category. What this means is that you can have light skin with green, blue or grey eyes. Your eyes are the most noticeable thing about you. Your hair is dark brown to black, and your eyebrows and eyelashes will be similar. 

The base of your skin is cool or warm. 

Choose light and dark shades in your clothing to balance your hair to skin tone ratio. If you wear muted tones like stone, taupe and khaki, you can mix them with paint shades from your colour palette like 3595C and Swedish Blue. Choose a mixture of dark or light shades. Look for paint colours and monochrome. If you are not sure, hold the garment to your face and see how it reflects on your skin. 

During the summer months you can wear some paint coloured accessories to balance out pastel summer clothes, and in the winter you can do the same for muted dark shades. 

How To Use This Guide

Below you will find details of your personal colour palette. These are chosen from over eighteen different categories.

The first group of canvas colours should make up the base of your wardrobe, while the paint colours below them are for you to add to it. Think of the canvas colours as the majority of your wardrobe, and the paint colours as the fun on top. 

Finally, at the bottom of this page, you will find some additional paint colours for you to use that are specifically chosen for your grade and category. 

Your Pure One Colours

You are in the first of the Pure colour tones. You have pale skin and bright clear eyes. Your eyes are your most striking feature. Striking colours in high contrast work best on you. 

  • Your skin tone is pink-based—you can select colours from your palette in contrasting shades, for example, P170-4U with saltwater or pewter with 524-C. If you wear a block colour make it a paint shade
  • Accentuate outfits with bright or darker accessories or jewellery if wearing muted tones or all black.
  • In winter, try to find bright colours to brighten up muted tones in your outfits. 
  • Add sparkle to plain muted outfits. 

Pure One (Cool) Canvas Colours

Select colours from the list below to become the staple of your wardrobe.

Pure One (Cool) Paint Colours

Choose colours from the list below for your fun colours to highlight and enhance your outfits. 

Personal Pure One (Cool) Colours

These colours in particular suit the Pure One skin tone. Select these, alongside shades above for fun colours and those that will sit closest to your face.